Find Ateso Words and their Meanings
ko-a (transitive verb) to pulsate; to beat (a drum); to play a musical instrument; to thresh grain. erami ngesi atenus: she/he beats the drum. airam itunga: to call people together (in olden times by drum, but these days a person can move from home to home telling people to attend a gathering, or simply place a radio announcement). airam adeudeu: to play the harp (musical instrument). airam edongot: to ring the bell. aram naka etau: heartbeat, pulsation. airam erot: to beat road level. airam itunga origa: to call people away for a hunt. airam emome: a method of catching flying ants (emome) by beating a dry log with two small sticks (the ants mistake the sound drops and swarm up a tube which leads into a pot where they are trapped). airam imu: a traditional ceremony after the birth of twins, involving wearing ebomo, emuria and egwangira plants on the head and waist, dancing emidiiri, beer drinking and a lot of other observances.