
ki-a (transitive verb) to inherit; to succeed; to take over; to adopt; (Ateso Atororo) to take possession of; to seize. airum ajakaanut: to take over power or leadership. erum ngol atapon: he has contracted leprosy. erum nges adeka: she/he has caught a disease. erum nges etida: she/he has become hysterical. erumata nges ileic: she/he is ashamed or shy. erum nges asulyany: she/he is lucky, has a stroke of luck; she/he is fortunate. aisurum: to make to seize; to make to succeed; to make to inherit. aisurum ileic: to make ashamed or disgraced. aisurum adeka: to infect; to give disease; to convey disease. aiturumun: to hand over.