
(plural akanin) (noun F) a hand; an arm; a signature; a handwriting; a thieving habit. akoto aikwac akan: I want to write (to scratch the handwriting). cp. aigirigir. etau k?akan: palm of the hand. toma akan: in the hand. akan k?etom: an elephant trunk. ejai ikoku ngin akan: that child is a thief. cp. eojak ibokor: she/he has long fingers (hence, is lazy or thieving). kolot akan ya: go to the other side. akan k?emeleku: the handle of a hoe or plough. eokitos akanin: to have nothing in the hands; to be empty-handed. abunit eong eokitos akanin: I have come empty-handed i.e. without money, poor at that time.