
ko-a (transitive verb) to make way for oneself; to bend this way. konyau erot: make way for me or for us. anyaun erot: the road is open; the road is clear. anyaun erot: to fight to clear the way from enemies or bandits. ko-a (transitive verb) to make way for oneself; to bend this way. konyau erot: make way for me or for us. anyaun erot: the road is open; the road is clear. anyaun erot: to fight to clear the way from enemies or bandits. ko-a (transitive verb) to make way for oneself; to bend this way. konyau erot: make way for me or for us. anyaun erot: the road is open; the road is clear. anyaun erot: to fight to clear the way from enemies or bandits.